Family grown specialty coffee from Carmo de Minas, Brazil

Our Office in the US

Sergio J. Dias
847 SO. 146th St.
Burien, WA 98168
Tel: (206) 861-6078

Odilon Batista
450 State Road 13 N
Suite 106-164
Saint Johns, FL 32259
Tel: (904) 469-9974

Our Office in Brazil

Pedro Chaib de Sousa
Ibraim Chaib de Sousa
Rua Tiradentes 133
Carmo de Minas, MG 37472

Tel: 011-55-35-9983-0352
Tel: 011-55-35-9955-9983

Coffee Holdings in the US

The Green Room
1302 29th Street NW
Auburn, WA 98001
Tel: (253) 735-4470

H&M Warehousing
2101 West 33rd St.
Jacksonville-FL 32209
Tel: (904) 768-3403

Need Samples? Have a question? Send us a message.